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inciDentally – The Blog

Is Your Doctor Reactive or Proactive?

What is it that most people want from their dentist? Have you ever heard your dentist say, “We’re going to watch it”?  This is usually stated after noting that a tooth has begun to get a cavity. I have never understood this comment. Never. What exactly are we going to watch happen? Typically when a…

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The Dangers of Root Exposure

Gum recession is a very common problem among most adults. Gum recession occurs when the gums move down the root of the tooth, exposing some of the root surface. This exposure can be problematic for several reasons. First, the exposed root surface is not covered with the enamel that covers the crown portion of the…

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The Dangers of Root Exposure

Use It or Lose It

To keep seeing results, you have to keep forcing your muscles to adapt by pushing them. Even outside of your comfort zone, but do it safely! Cardio is a great fat burner, but that effect stops when you do. Build more muscle and you’ll keep your body burning fat all day long. “Lifting weights can…

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How to Handle a Tooth Ache

  Tooth aches typically show up as sensitivity to temperatures, sweets or chewing. However, they may also present themselves as throbbing, aching or sharp stabbing pains. Some tooth aches are rather mild and can go on for years while others can be debilitating and must be addressed immediately. 1. What causes a Tooth Ache? A…

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From Your Gums to Your Heart

Did you know that the health of your gums affects the health of your heart? Periodontal disease is an infectious disease in the gum tissue and bone surrounding the teeth in the mouth.  The infection is created by an overload of disease-causing bacteria.  Bacteria are always present in the mouth.  However, the key to having…

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Why Water Is So Vital 

“I believe that water is the only drink for a wise man.” ~ Henry David Thoreau. Why Water Is So Vital? Forms saliva and mucus.  This cleans the mouth and reduces decay. It also keeps your joints well lubricated, which helps reduce friction and damage by creating cushion between your bones.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Boosts skin health…

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Why Water Is So Vital 

Oh Spit! (with Salivary Diagnostics)

At Origin Dental Wellness, we have taken microscope slides of every patient’s plaque for years.  This is a part of a routine dental hygiene appointment. The importance of looking at the plaque under the microscope is to determine if there are any pathogenic microorganisms swimming around that could be responsible for systemic health effects, namely…

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How to Handle a Tooth Ache

Toothaches typically show up as sensitivity to temperatures, sweets, or chewing.  However, they may also present themselves as throbbing, aching, or sharp stabbing pains. Some toothaches are rather mild and can go on for years while others can be debilitating and must be addressed immediately. What causes a Tooth Ache? A toothache is caused by…

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