Healthy Moms Share With Healthy Babies
It is such a sweet time in the life of a woman when she is carrying a child. There are hope and anticipation that words simply cannot explain. Deep calls unto deep in the space between the womb and the heart of a mother, an unexplainable whisper between mother and child with every heartbeat. To…
Sitting Is The New… Insert Deadly Habit Here
I’ve read many headlines about how bad sitting is for you, so I had an idea that I was sitting too much at work and wondered what I could do to make a difference in my health while at the office. As you know, we are moving the ODW office to a new location (so…
PRP Facial Rejuvenation: Our Staff Transformed
Well, I suddenly have found myself in that season of life when my children are no longer children. They grew up. My oldest is going to college and my youngest is 16 years old. How did that happen? How did they change so much when I haven’t changed at all! ;-) Look in the mirror,…
Why Dental Hygiene Is Really Archaeology?
The next time you are in the dental chair for your oral wellness exam, aka dental cleaning, ponder this; there is some archaeology going on in your mouth. An archaeologist is a person who studies human history through the excavation of artifacts and remains. As a hygienist, I do some excavating and recovering of artifacts…
I Run Because I Am Cheap
What? What does that even mean you ask? It is the summary statement of how I view my healthcare. Ready to take this journey with me? Ok, let’s go. So, here is how I see it. Healthcare can be expensive. AMIRIT? Also, I like to travel. I would rather travel than pay for healthcare costs…
It’s Just Water! Right?
Water found in nature will generally have a pH between 6.5 and 8.5. The pH of water is a measure of its acidity. “pH” stands for “potential of hydrogen”. The H is capitalized because it’s the chemical symbol for hydrogen. The pH scale measures the relative concentrations of hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions in a…
So What Does it Cost to Have Mercury Removed?
The real question is “What’s it going to cost me to leave this mercury in my body? “, but that’s a long post for a different day. We often get asked “How much do you charge to have mercury removed”, and I love to be able to say “nothing!” As many of you already know,…
Is it Insurance or a Coupon?
We say coupon at best, or maybe rebate is more fitting. The majority of our clients opt to not carry dental insurance or are going “out of network” when they choose Origin Dental Wellness for their whole body dentistry. As a courtesy to our clients, we file your dental claims for you in a timely…
White Crowns for Kids
So, you’ve been told your child needs a crown. A stainless-steel crown. You know, the only option in Pediatric Dentistry available. Not anymore! With advancing technologies in the Pediatric field (I won’t get into the logistics because let’s be honest.. it’s boring.), there is now the option of a full ceramic crown available for children.…
SMART Removal Technique
SMART Removal Technique What is SMART protocol? SMART is developed by the IAOMT organization and stands for: Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique. Since the amount of mercury vapors released is increased when removing the restoration with a dental handpiece, the protocol was developed to ensure that the patient and the dental team is protected…
Neuroscience-Based Drug Free Relaxation Technology
We here at Origin Dental Wellness understand there can be anxiety associated with dental procedures. For those individuals that need a little bit of calming TLC while here, we offer several options to relieve anxiety. The most unique relaxation technology we offer is NuCalm. NuCalm uses neuroscience to quickly transfer you from acute stress to…
Colors of Origin Dental Wellness
What is the psychology of color? What does your favorite color say about you? When used in branding, do the colors mean something, or are they simply esthetically pleasing? The psychology of color is fascinating. Different colors evoke different emotions, and when used in branding, the colors chosen say something not only about the…