Cantaloupe Over Cannabis

Has anyone else noticed the changing landscape here in Oklahoma?

No, I’m not talking about the never-ending road construction.  I am talking about the cannabis dispensaries.

When driving home from work the other day, I counted ten (I could have counted more, but I got annoyed and stopped) billboards for marijuana dispensaries.  I am bombarded with opportunities to buy weed, yet I have to decode a map written in invisible ink and embark on a journey that is only slightly less taxing than summiting Mt. Everest to find fresh organic produce.  This just doesn’t make sense to me.

I certainly understand the medicinal uses of marijuana by products such as CBD, but I don’t think most people understand the medicinal uses of food. People do not think of food as thy medicine.  What if we didn’t put all the toxins in our bodies to begin with?  What if we shifted our mindset to a prevention program?  Part of that program being eating nutritious, whole foods free of pesticides and chemicals.  I wish I had access to them as readily as I do marijuana.

If we put mainly fresh organic foods in our bodies and treated ourselves better overall, would we need all the weed?  Have we really chosen cannabis over cantaloupe?