From Your Gums to Your Heart

At Origin Dental Wellness, an insightful illustration demonstrates how bacteria from a tooth can enter the bloodstream, emphasizing the vital link between oral health and heart health. Schedule an appointment with your holistic, health-centered dentist in Tulsa, Oklahoma to learn more about nurturing your overall wellness.

Did you know that the health of your gums affects the health of your heart? Periodontal disease is an infectious disease in the gum tissue and bone surrounding the teeth in the mouth.  The infection is created by an overload of disease-causing bacteria.  Bacteria are always present in the mouth.  However, the key to having … Read more

PG… More than a Movie Rating, Also a Risk for Pancreatic Cancer

Origin Dental Wellness-Bacteria

So yes, we all know a PG rating on a movie means parental guidance. We are ready for some harsh language or possible sexual innuendo. Perhaps we prescreen the movie before our kids are allowed to see it. That is some “A game” parenting right there. There is a new PG to be aware of … Read more

I Run Because I Am Cheap

run for health

What?  What does that even mean you ask?  It is the summary statement of how I view my healthcare.  Ready to take this journey with me?  Ok, let’s go. So, here is how I see it. Healthcare can be expensive.  AMIRIT?  Also, I like to travel.  I would rather travel than pay for healthcare costs … Read more

Plaque Removal

Plaque Removal

Dental plaque is a mass of bacteria also called biofilm.  The mouth contains millions of bacteria, so how are we to win the battle against diseases such as decay and periodontal disease? A three prong attack is a good plan.   The first step is to physically remove as much bacteria as possible.  An electric … Read more