Oh Spit! (with Salivary Diagnostics)

At Origin Dental Wellness in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we invite you to experience a soothing and nurturing environment reminiscent of three alpacas with their soft, curly fur basking peacefully under the sun in a tranquil outdoor setting. Just as these alpacas embody natural beauty and serenity, our holistic health-centered dental practice is dedicated to creating a welcoming atmosphere that prioritizes your well-being through comprehensive and caring dental care.

At Origin Dental Wellness, we have taken microscope slides of every patient’s plaque for years.  This is a part of a routine dental hygiene appointment. The importance of looking at the plaque under the microscope is to determine if there are any pathogenic microorganisms swimming around that could be responsible for systemic health effects, namely … Read more

I Run Because I Am Cheap

run for health

What?  What does that even mean you ask?  It is the summary statement of how I view my healthcare.  Ready to take this journey with me?  Ok, let’s go. So, here is how I see it. Healthcare can be expensive.  AMIRIT?  Also, I like to travel.  I would rather travel than pay for healthcare costs … Read more

It’s Just Water! Right?

It's just water

Water found in nature will generally have a pH between 6.5 and 8.5. The pH of water is a measure of its acidity. “pH” stands for “potential of hydrogen”. The H is capitalized because it’s the chemical symbol for hydrogen. The pH scale measures the relative concentrations of hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions in a … Read more

Plaque Removal

Plaque Removal

Dental plaque is a mass of bacteria also called biofilm.  The mouth contains millions of bacteria, so how are we to win the battle against diseases such as decay and periodontal disease? A three prong attack is a good plan.   The first step is to physically remove as much bacteria as possible.  An electric … Read more