Dental Implants vs. Bridges for Replacing Missing Teeth

Dental Implants

In a practice that deals honestly with failing root canal treated teeth, and subsequent extraction of the failed root canal treated tooth, we are often confronted with the problem of how to replace a missing tooth.  As a matter of fact, one of the most common questions that patients ask is, “What is the best … Read more

Vitamins For Teeth

Fresh vegetables flatlay vitamin for teeth

I get this question a lot: “What can I do to keep my teeth healthy if I don’t want to use fluoride?”. It is a valid question. And although I am tempted to jump into the fluoride debate (one in which I stand with the exiguous number of dentists who don’t believe it should be … Read more

PG… More than a Movie Rating, Also a Risk for Pancreatic Cancer

Origin Dental Wellness-Bacteria

So yes, we all know a PG rating on a movie means parental guidance. We are ready for some harsh language or possible sexual innuendo. Perhaps we prescreen the movie before our kids are allowed to see it. That is some “A game” parenting right there. There is a new PG to be aware of … Read more

It’s Just Water! Right?

It's just water

Water found in nature will generally have a pH between 6.5 and 8.5. The pH of water is a measure of its acidity. “pH” stands for “potential of hydrogen”. The H is capitalized because it’s the chemical symbol for hydrogen. The pH scale measures the relative concentrations of hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions in a … Read more

TMJ Or More Accurately, TMD


Ever been told you have TMJ?  Did you know TMJ is really a misnomer?  More accurately, it’s considered TMD, which stands for TemporoMandibular joint Dysfunction.  The joint is the hinge that connects your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull, which are in front of each ear. It lets you move your jaw up … Read more

Science Says the Mouth Is Connected to the Rest of the Body!

Illustration depicting a mouth with teeth intricately connected through lines to various organs such as the lungs, liver, heart, and kidneys. This holistic diagram showcases potential relationships between dental health and overall organ wellness, reflecting our integrative approach at our Tulsa, Oklahoma practice.

There is a ton of scientific evidence stating, yes indeed the mouth is connected to the rest of the body. What does this really mean?  It means the bacteria in the mouth is shared throughout the rest of the body. If you have periodontal disease, that bacteria can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.  … Read more

What’s in Your Mouth? (Part 2)

Hippo family

So, if mercury is a known neurotoxin, and it’s in the mouths of millions of people, what are the options for removing it safely?  And what is a safe material to replace it with? Thankfully, there is a safe protocol in removing silver mercury fillings in such a way that the mercury vapor exposure is reduced.  … Read more

When you’re a lazy brusher

lazy brusher

To all you lazy brushers out there, I’ve got something for you…SONICARE!  This toothbrush allows you to tap into your inner couch potato while still being a super effective brusher.  How so you ask?!  It works by not one, but two separate mechanisms.  First, it physically removes the plaque with which it comes into contact. … Read more

Ozone Therapy

ozone therapy

We all know O2 is oxygen, but have you heard of O3? It’s Ozone! Ozone kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. It’s safe, effective and non-toxic.  It only contains oxygen molecules and therefore you can’t be allergic to it. Ozone is useful in dentistry for the following reasons.  Ozone kills bacteria that cause decay. They … Read more

Tongue Scraping, What Is It and Should I Be Doing It?

tongue scraping

First let me just say, my tongue scraper is my grossest best friend. They come in all shapes and sizes, plastic or metal. I’m partial to the metal Ayurvedic, “U” shaped one we sell at our office and believe me, I’ve tried more than a few! Tongue scraping is exactly what it says it is; … Read more