Why use Botox when there is something Better . . and Safer . . . and NOT TOXIC.

With her radiant smile, this seasoned woman with short gray hair and blue eyes exemplifies the transformative benefits of holistic, health-centered dentistry. Standing confidently in a white top, she represents our commitment to promoting overall well-being through personalized dental care here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

As a Biological Dentist, my concern for you extends way beyond just your oral health or compromised teeth. The very nature of practicing biologically focuses my attention on you. All of you! Our patients understand that.  They crave care that isn’t only centered around fixing what’s broken. They love knowing our team understands the connectivity … Read more

Platelets: The Heroes in Healing

Platelets: The Heroes in Healing

As a dental practice always looking for holistic approaches to healing, using PRP has been an excellent way to increase the patient’s own healing response and decrease pain post-operatively. What is PRP anyway? PRP is Platelet Rich Plasma. So what is that? You may have heard of it being called PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin), PRGF … Read more

How Origin Dental Wellness Clients Benefit From PRP

Visual Representation of Red Blood Cells Navigating Through a Blood Vessel Pathway.

You’re going to draw my blood in the dental office, you ask? That’s right, and we think you’ll be glad we did. Dr. Toler utilizes platelet-rich plasma in every surgical procedure she does. PRP or platelet-rich plasma is blood plasma that contains platelets. PRP contains several growth factors and cytokines that stimulate healing of bone … Read more

PRP Facial Rejuvenation: Our Staff Transformed

PRP Facial

Well, I suddenly have found myself in that season of life when my children are no longer children. They grew up. My oldest is going to college and my youngest is 16 years old. How did that happen? How did they change so much when I haven’t changed at all! ;-) Look in the mirror, … Read more