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Your Tulsa Visit

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

In efforts to alleviate any added stress upon your dental visit, we have compiled the following list of local establishments in which we trust and highly value. We hope it helps. Tulsa Dining Pure Food & Juice “We create daily REAL food handcrafted with the very best ingredients. Gluten free, sugar free, soy … Read more

PG… More than a Movie Rating, Also a Risk for Pancreatic Cancer

Origin Dental Wellness-Bacteria

So yes, we all know a PG rating on a movie means parental guidance. We are ready for some harsh language or possible sexual innuendo. Perhaps we prescreen the movie before our kids are allowed to see it. That is some “A game” parenting right there. There is a new PG to be aware of … Read more

I Run Because I Am Cheap

run for health

What?  What does that even mean you ask?  It is the summary statement of how I view my healthcare.  Ready to take this journey with me?  Ok, let’s go. So, here is how I see it. Healthcare can be expensive.  AMIRIT?  Also, I like to travel.  I would rather travel than pay for healthcare costs … Read more

It’s Just Water! Right?

It's just water

Water found in nature will generally have a pH between 6.5 and 8.5. The pH of water is a measure of its acidity. “pH” stands for “potential of hydrogen”. The H is capitalized because it’s the chemical symbol for hydrogen. The pH scale measures the relative concentrations of hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions in a … Read more

Colors of Origin Dental Wellness

Colors of Origin Dental Wellness

What is the psychology of color?  What does your favorite color say about you?  When used in branding, do the colors mean something, or are they simply esthetically pleasing?   The psychology of color is fascinating.  Different colors evoke different emotions, and when used in branding, the colors chosen say something not only about the … Read more

Science Says the Mouth Is Connected to the Rest of the Body!

Illustration depicting a mouth with teeth intricately connected through lines to various organs such as the lungs, liver, heart, and kidneys. This holistic diagram showcases potential relationships between dental health and overall organ wellness, reflecting our integrative approach at our Tulsa, Oklahoma practice.

There is a ton of scientific evidence stating, yes indeed the mouth is connected to the rest of the body. What does this really mean?  It means the bacteria in the mouth is shared throughout the rest of the body. If you have periodontal disease, that bacteria can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.  … Read more