The real question is “What’s it going to cost me to leave this mercury in my body? “, but that’s a long post for a different day. We often get asked “How much do you charge to have mercury removed“, and I love to be able to say “nothing!” As many of you already know, Dr. Toler is certified to remove mercury fillings safely using the SMART protocol through the IAOMT (more on that in previous posts). Once you have made the decision to have your mercury filling(s) removed, the next question is what to replace it with. There is never an additional charge to remove mercury amalgam fillings, your only investment is in the new restoration. Because every tooth is different, and every client is different, there are several options. Often teeth that have mercury fillings have fractures, decay, and or gaps around the fillings and all of these issues are taken into consideration when you and Dr. Toler decide on what new material will be used. We do not use metal in any of our restorations and our resin composite (tooth colored) fillings are BPA free and almost all restorations are made right here in the office while you wait. We appreciate you allowing us to walk beside you on your journey to better health!