Essential Oils for the Household

Whether you wish to disinfect the air you breathe and the surfaces you touch, repel mosquitoes, clean some vegetables, or eliminate odor from your shoes, there is an oil that will work for you. Did you know two drops of peppermint oil on a cotton ball placed in front of a mouse’s hole will keep him from coming out? Call me obsessed, because I love simple and natural remedies!

In our office, we sell Young Living Essential Oils’ Theives Spray which is infused with clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary. This spray is ideal for cleaning small surfaces or even just refreshing a room and is completely safe for children and pets.

So now we have covered some basic uses for essential oils: diffusing, topical and oral use, and household use. There are many more ways to use these life-giving oils to harness the power of nature and benefit you and your loved ones!