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How to Handle a Tooth Ache


Tooth aches typically show up as sensitivity to temperatures, sweets or chewing. However, they may also present themselves as throbbing, aching or sharp stabbing pains. Some tooth aches are rather mild and can go on for years while others can be debilitating and must be addressed immediately.

1. What causes a Tooth Ache?

A tooth ache is caused by inflammation or an infection, which happens inside your tooth. It may also be caused by tooth root exposure, decay or trauma.

2. Who is at risk for a Tooth Ache?

Some people are at higher risk for having tooth aches than others. Risk factors for having a tooth ache include:

  • Receding gums which exposed tooth roots
  • Tooth decay
  • Tooth trauma from:
    – Existing deep fillings or crowns
    – Routine dental procedures
    – Sports
    – Night time tooth grinding
    – Bite problems

3. What can you do to minimize the risk of a Tooth Ache?

Some important steps can be taken in minimizing your risk of a tooth ache. The first critical step is to have the cause of sensitivity or beginning stages of tooth discomfort diagnosed by your dentist. Secondly, from a biological mindset the use of xylitol products has a significant anti-plaque effect on the tooth surface and can reduce gingival inflammation. It is being used as a preventive agent for dental caries due to decreasing the growth levels of pathogenic Streptococcus mutans and sangui at very early stages. Xylitol can also bind with calcium ion leading to consequent remineralization of teeth enamel.

Origin Dental ALSO relies heavily on ozone therapies to counteract inflammation. Ozone treatments help destroy the bacteria that cause inflammation and gum disease. By bathing the gums in ozone, we can eliminate the pathogens behind gum disease, ensuring that the gums and mouth stay healthy.

* If the infection is present, it must be treated in a timely manner to avoid a more serious health risk. Your dentist may suggest the following:

  • Address tooth decay
  • Wear a mouth guard when playing sports
  • Wear a night guard if nighttime tooth grinding is suspected
  • Address bite problems
  • Cover exposed tooth roots with gum grafts or dental restorations
  • Treat teeth with ozone at our office and home care aids which decrease root sensitivity

4. What will happen if I choose to do nothing about my Tooth Ache?

As stated at the beginning, many tooth aches present themselves in a mild fashion, which most people will play off and try to ignore until the pain becomes too intense. Ignoring a tooth ache at any stage may lead to even greater complications:

  • Increased pain or infection requiring extraction and subsequent dental implants.
  • Continued stress which may cause the tooth to fracture
  • Continued sensitivity which prevents you from eating or drinking without wincing.

Although occasionally pain resolves without treatment, it is important to have your dentist assess the risk of your tooth ache.