I Run Because I Am Cheap

What?  What does that even mean you ask?  It is the summary statement of how I view my healthcare.  Ready to take this journey with me?  Ok, let’s go.

So, here is how I see it. Healthcare can be expensive.  AMIRIT?  Also, I like to travel.  I would rather travel than pay for healthcare costs that could have been avoided.  My plan then, is to avoid unnecessary medical costs, all while saving/being healthy enough to travel!  #Winning!

How do I plan to do this?  For the low, low cost of only 3 payments of 49.99 USD, I will give you my step by step plan of action.  J/K!

My overall plan is to reduce the inflammation present in my body.  Yep, it’s that simple.  Once again, J/K.  I know it’s not that simple.  Let’s start with a very basic plan:

Step one – reduce inflammation present in the mouth.  Do you get ANY bleeding when you brush or clean below the gum-line?  If so, inflammation is present.  Unless you literally fell to the floor and stabbed yourself with a toothpick (I have had a patient this actually happened to), there should be ZERO bleeding.  Visit your dental team (I mean us) on the current health status of your mouth.  Get helpful advice and tips on how to get your hard and soft tissue back to a healthy state.

Step two – reduce inflammation present throughout the rest of the body.  This can be tricky as well.  So, for the sake of you not getting bored and not finishing this blog, I will keep it simple.  A good place to start is to eat healthy.  A Mediterranean diet (look it up if you don’t know it) has been showed to reduce cardiovascular risk.  True story.  It also reduces atrial fibrillation risk, stroke risk, helps modulate glycemic index, slows cognitive decline and has many other great health attributes.  Exercise is an anti-inflammatory.  Running reduces the risks of all causes of death.  Runners compared to non-runners have a 30% lower risk of dying from any cause.  They have a 45% lower risk of cardiovascular death.  Runners live an average three years longer than non-runners.  I chose running, but you do you.  The main thing is doing something physical every day.

Get with your preferred physician and be evaluated for any signs of inflammation in your body.  If you don’t have a physician you love, we can recommend one for you.  Many diseases are inflammatory driven.  The number one killer of men and women is inflammation-driven.  Dramatic pause…yes, you read that right.  The NUMBER ONE killer of men and women is cardiovascular disease and it is due to inflammation within the arterial walls.  It has been the number one killer since 1900! That is a very sad, but true fact.

I don’t know about you, but I am going to try to reduce the level of inflammation in my body with lifestyle adjustments, just a couple of which are diet and exercise.  Yes, there is a lot more that goes into it, but this is a great and inexpensive way to start. So, I say let’s all feel better and have more money to travel!