It’s Just Water! Right?

Water found in nature will generally have a pH between 6.5 and 8.5. The pH of water is a measure of its acidity. “pH” stands for “potential of hydrogen”. The H is capitalized because it’s the chemical symbol for hydrogen. The pH scale measures the relative concentrations of hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions in a substance. When hydrogen ions outnumber hydroxyl ions, the substance is acidic; when hydroxyl ions outnumber, the substance is alkaline. Waters with a pH less than 7 are acidic, while alkaline waters have pH values greater than 7.

The pH scale runs from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is “neutral,” meaning the two types of ions are in balance, so the substance is neither acidic nor alkaline. 0 is determined as the most acidic value. 14 being the most alkaline. Battery acid has a pH of about 0. Liquid drain cleaner has a pH of about 14. Distilled, filtered water has a pH of about 7.

Based on numerous studies, Smartwater, Evian and Fiji are among the most neutral based bottled drinking water distributed. At Origin Dental Wellness, our team loves the Berkey filtration systems as they can remove hundreds of contaminants such as viruses, bacteria, cysts, parasites, pesticides, chlorine, fluoride, VOC’s (organic compounds that easily become vapors or gases) and more. More than any other gravity filters available. Pour yourself a glass next time you’re in.