This technology has progressed dramatically with today’s methods being fairly routine and predictable. A titanium or zirconium implant (artificial root) is surgically placed in the jawbone then allowed to heal and integrate with the bone. Once the healing process is completed and the jawbone is attached to the implant, Dr. Toler places a crown fitted to the implant. The final result is a natural looking, comfortable and functional “tooth”.
Sometimes teeth just need to be replaced. When that happens, Dr. Toler uses the highest quality biocompatible materials to ensure your procedure is done with accuracy and care.
Dental implants were first developed half a century ago by a Swedish scientist named Per-Ingvar Branemark. Implants arose from the patient’s need to secure loose-fitting dentures. Since the advent of the implant, engineering and enhancements to the implant have enabled dentists to expand the implant’s usefulness, including the replacement of missing or lost teeth. Today, implant techniques provide a wide range of tooth replacement solutions including:
- Single Tooth Replacement
- Anterior (incisors & canines) Replacement
- Posterior (premolars & molars) Replacement
- Full Upper and Lower Replacement
- Denture support
The root implant is the most effective because it mirrors the size and shape of a patient’s natural tooth. This implant is often as strong as the patient’s original tooth.
A Dental Implant supported denture is a wonderful way to give your lower denture a more stable and solid feel. It is especially helpful if your lower jawbone has receded to the point it no longer can support a conventional denture with stability.
Post Implant Care
Although proper oral hygiene is always recommended for maintaining good dental health, it is especially important when a patient has received a dental implant. Bacteria can attack sensitive areas in the mouth when teeth and gums are not properly cleaned, thus causing gums to swell and jawbones to gradually recede. Recession of the jawbone will weaken implants and eventually make it necessary for the implant to be removed. Patients are advised to visit their dentists at least twice a year to ensure the health of their teeth and implants. Dental implants can last for decades when given proper care.