SMART Removal Technique
What is SMART protocol? SMART is developed by the IAOMT organization and stands for: Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique. Since the amount of mercury vapors released is increased when removing the restoration with a dental handpiece, the protocol was developed to ensure that the patient and the dental team is protected during the removal of Mercury Amalgam fillings.
- Charcoal Slurry- patient will swish with a charcoal slurry
- Protective gowns and headwear for patient and dental team
- Tooth/teeth isolated with non-latex rubber dam
- Air filtration system used to absorb any mercury vapors released into the air
- Gas masks are worn by dental team
- Patient placed on 100% oxygen
- High volume suction
- Mercury amalgam fillings removed with “cut and chunk” method, to release as little vapors as possible