Truth About Fluoride

You’ve always been told that fluoride is added to your tap water for your health, yet most developed countries, including Japan and 97% of the western European population do not consume fluoridated water.

In the U.S., about 70% of public water supplies are fluoridated.  The CDC even states “Water fluoridation prevents tooth decay by providing frequent and consistent contact with low levels of fluoride. By keeping the tooth strong and solid, fluoride stops cavities from forming and can even rebuild the tooth’s surface.”

The American Dental Association even touts fluoride as “nature’s cavity fighter” and encourages the use of fluoridated mouthwash, toothpaste, rinses, and supplements for humans 6 months and older.

Truth time! 

  • Poor nutrition, poor hygiene, and the absence of dental care are still considered the main causes of dental decay, NOT the lack of fluoride.
  • The fluoride in our water comes from hydrofluorosilicic acid, which is industrial toxic waste
  • Fluoride is known to impact the cardiovascular, central nervous, digestive, endocrine, immune, integumentary, renal, and respiratory systems, and exposure to fluoride has been linked to
  • Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, infertility, and many other adverse health outcomes.
  • Fluoride can have neurotoxic and nephrotoxic effects.
  • While fluoridating water, contamination with toxic chemicals can probably occur (i.e., arsenic).
  • Fluoride added to water is up to 200 times higher than its amount in breast milk.
  • Once water is fluoridated, it is difficult to control excessive fluoride intake, as people drink different amounts of water.
  • Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. Not a single biological process has been shown to require fluoride.
  • Fluoride accumulates in the body.
  • Fluoride can affect thyroid function, the skeletal system and the reproductive system.
  • Excessive fluoride intake can lead to mild/severe dental fluorosis.
  • Tooth decay does not go up when fluoridation is stopped.
  • It’s been discovered fluoride benefit is topical rather than systemic.
  • There are NO randomized controlled trials to validate the effectiveness of fluoridation.  NONE

Need more info?  The following articles contain much more.
1. Connett P. 50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation. Medical Veritas.
2. NCBI PMCID: PMC6195894