Vitamin E – PLEASE READ!

As with anything these days, you have natural and synthetic. Synthetic versions of Vitamin E are petrochemical-derived and there are 8 different forms. Only one of these is nature-identical and yet it is still 87.5 counterfeit.

To be classified as Vitamin E, 4 tocopherols and 4 tocotrienols must be present. The annatto plant is the most active source of tocotrienols producing Delta T3s and Gamma T3s. These T3s are most potent in reducing viability of the most severe versions of Breast cancer, Prostate cancer and Pancreatic cancer.

Other benefits of naturally derived Vitamin E: decreases bad lipids, reduces inflammation, manages diabetes and MetS related complications, increases bone strength, protects against radiation and chronic conditions, improves cognitive acuity.

(Info presented at the IAOMT | International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology meeting by @Barrie Tan, Ph.D.)