What Is Health?

Health is a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state in which the body, mind, and heart are all in unison with an outlook of faith and hope.  The body looks good from the inside out and feels good from the inside out.  The heart is full of faith, regardless of circumstances.  The mind is optimistic and hopeful, regardless of circumstances.

This state requires a daily routine, a habit of living that does not change.  Health is a lifestyle.  It includes eating well by feeding the body organic, whole foods that were made to fuel the body in the first place. Health means staying away from processed, sugary foods that deplete the body of nutrition. Health includes getting exercise, moving on a daily basis, preferably outside where there is sunshine and fresh air.  

Health also includes being mindful of the heart, being aware of feelings and processing them constructively. Spending time in introspection and prayer should be a daily event.  This is the only way for me to be in tune to myself.