Why Does the Hygienist Poke Me With That Sharp Thing and Make Me Bleed?

Is This Really Necessary?

This is a question that I often answer in the new patient consultation appointment. Some patients have had an experience that they wouldn’t call pleasant when their gums are measured. All they feel is the “pinprick” sensation of the instrument in their gums. Taking this measurement is actually a really important part of the exam. The complaint of feeling that the gums have been poked and left bleeding is actually a sign that the gums, and therefore the body, are not as healthy as we would hope.

The instrument being used is called a periodontal probe. (Admittedly, not the best name for such a device.) It actually is just a small ruler, meant to measure the amount of gum tissue and bone that is present around the neck of the tooth. Some measurements are indicators of health and good home care. Other measurements are indicators of disease in the gum tissue and the underlying bone, which also can be a warning sign for health complications such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dementia, and stroke risk, as well as the risk of preterm births and low birth weight babies to pregnant moms.

When the measurements are healthy, the patient usually feels little to nothing at all when the measurement is being taken. However, if the disease is present, the gum tissues are typically red, swollen, and tender. This is because the disease is caused by the presence of bacteria that are living in the gum tissue and eventually spread into the bone. The bacteria break down the gum tissue, resulting in bleeding gums. Because the tissue is tender when the measurement is taken, it can feel as if the tissue is being “poked”, and bleeding will result. This is because the instrument touched the raw area of the tissue which is being broken down by the bacteria. This area is actually a raw wound, so it is uncomfortable to be touched.

When we find these areas in a patient’s mouth, we take a microscope slide of the plaque in the affected areas in order to literally see the bacteria that are creating the problem. A systematic protocol is then set into place in order to eradicate the bacteria and get the gums and bones back to a state of health. Which also means getting the overall body back to a better state of health. At Origin Dental Wellness, we aren’t just poking your gums. We’re checking on the health of your gums and your heart!