Why Water Is So Vital 

“I believe that water is the only drink for a wise man.” ~ Henry David Thoreau.

Why Water Is So Vital?

water dropletForms saliva and mucus.  This cleans the mouth and reduces decay. It also keeps your joints well lubricated, which helps reduce friction and damage by creating cushion between your bones.⠀⠀
water dropletBoosts skin health and beauty.  Water helps maintain skin elasticity. Enough water intake will also decrease signs of aging by minimizing scarring, fine lines and wrinkles
water dropletDelivers oxygen throughout the body.  Blood is comprised primarily of water, which carries nutrients to all the cells in the body. It also plays a major role in transporting waste out.
water dropletRegulates body temperature.  Water is a thermo regulator. It absorbs and transfers heat very effectively. When you sweat, it’s your body’s way of regulating your internal body temp. The water lost cooling your body through sweat, as well as other processes of the body is why that water needs to be replenished.

water dropletHelps maintain blood pressure.  Water makes up 73% of the human heart. When the body is properly hydrated, the heart is able to pump effectively so blood can move easily throughout the body. Dehydration results in a lower blood volume which causes the heart rate and blood pressure to increase.
water dropletAids with weight loss.   Water is 100% calorie-free, which helps you burn more calories and acts as a natural appetite suppressant. As mentioned before, it helps remove waste from the body. Without water, the body won’t effectively metabolize stored fat.  ⠀
water dropletPrevents kidney damage.  Water aids the kidneys in removing wastes from your blood in the form of urine. Water also helps open blood vessels so blood can travel freely to your kidneys, delivering essential nutrients. Water also helps prevent kidney stones and UTI.
water dropletDistributes minerals/nutrients throughout the body. ⠀⠀
water dropletRemoves harmful toxins.  Water supports the body’s natural elimination process and helps prevent the day-to-day buildup of toxicity
water dropletAllows one to think and reason more clearly.  Measurable negative impacts on one’s mood, cognition, short term memory, and attention span are attributed to dehydration. Since our brains don’t have the ability to physically store water, optimal brain function can only occur when drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
water dropletOpens airways. Drinking water helps to thin the mucous lining in your airway and lungs.
water dropletEnhances physical activity.  Water increases your muscles’ capacity for enhanced size and strength. Fatigue is more likely when dehydrated and reaction times are also reduced when not well hydrated.

Many people don’t like the taste of water. My husband can’t stand it. So, if that’s you as well, try one or more of the following flavor enhancers to help you find the joy and health benefits in drinking water:

  • A squeeze of fresh lemon, lime or orange
  • Several drops of apple cider or balsamic vinegar
  • Add cucumber slices
  • Add mint or other herbs of choice
  • Infuse with fresh berries
  • Slice of bologna can give it a grainy texture and meaty flavor (just checking)
  • Carbonate water to give it fizz
  • Heat it up. Drinking it warm resembles tea or coffee
  • Load it up with ice to make it super cold (It’s been said that drinking a liter of ice water per day will help you lose 1200 calories per month. You burn the energy just raising the water to body temp

“Man — despite his artistic pretensions, his sophistication, and his many accomplishments — owes his existence to a six inch layer of topsoil and the fact that it rains.” ~ Paul Harvey